Welcome to the new blog. I'm one of those Obamacons you've heard so much about during this last Presidential election. I'm a fiscal conservative and social libertarian that supported Barack Obama in 2008. Far from being a traitor to conservatism, as people like me have been portrayed by some in the conservative media, I supported Obama over John McCain for two reasons:
* It was time to reboot the Republican party
* Barack Obama was the better candidate
Under George W. Bush, the Republican party has become a big-government, nanny-state party. Conservatism waved bye-bye to the Republican party years ago. After a thorough defeat in 2008, it's time to wander in a wilderness for a bit. After some time in the minority, my hope is that true conservatives are ready to make a comeback.
Despite the fact that I don't agree with Obama on many specific policies, he really was the better candidate. When I look for a President, I'm looking specifically for someone who can lead the nation, and for someone who can conduct foreign policy competently. Cool and collected throughout his campaign, Obama, through his behavior, proved that he was the better of the two candidates. Honestly, he was the best candidate that ran in either party. Everyone else had such major flaws that it was difficult to really ever get behind any of them.
That leads me to my purpose in starting this blog. I plan on keeping track of the state of conservatism in the Republican party. I also plan on taking a look at the conduct of the Obama administration. And I'm sure I'll do some general rambling, as is my wont.