Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Obama makes picks official

Yesterday was a busy day for the Obama transition team, as he officially announced his foreign policy and national security picks:
President-elect Barack Obama's cabinet choices for his national security team were made official today, as he announced Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, Robert Gates as defense secretary, and Eric Holder as attorney general.

Other appointments Obama made public this morning were Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano as homeland security secretary, his campaign's foreign policy adviser Susan Rice as United Nations ambassador, and former Marine Gen. James Jones as national security adviser.

He reportedly has also chosen former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle as health and human services secretary and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson as secretary of commerce.

I think I'd rather see Richardson as Secretary of State and Clinton disappear, but the rest of these picks are all solid enough. Unfortunately, I know the Clintons aren't going anywhere, so Obama's forced to put Hillary in a position where she can't undermine his administration without ruining her own credibility.

Back from vacation

I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving holiday.

Audrey from Palin's Deception had a busy holiday it seems.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, one of my very hard working research assistants has uncovered a piece of evidence which may well turn out to be the final nail in the coffin. I believe it demonstrates conclusively that Gov. Sarah Palin was never pregnant. It has nothing to do with Bristol, or Willow, or anyone else. Because it is so critical, I am proceeding slowly with this one... talking to my attorney among other things. But watch the blog over the next 24-48 hours. You won't be disappointed.
It's about time one of Palin's weird lies was exposed. With any luck, the veil will be pulled from some people's eyes, and we can stop talking about Palin's run for the White House in 2012. With Sarah Palin as their Presidential nominee, the Republican Party becomes about as relevant as the Whig Party.